35 easy-to-grow vegetable varietiesand over 16.000 seeds. All non-GMO and heirloomvarieties.Our survival pack includes lettuce, beetscarrots,onions,squash,zucchini,tomatoes, peppers,broccoli,peas, beans, and more. Substitutions may occurdue to seed shortages.
Packed in seed packets, not plasticbags: plastic bags can harbor mold and ruin vegetableseeds.Complete growing and harvesting instructions areincluded on every packet. lt makes excellent gifts for moms who haveseeds onsto routoe fooc sina c ol dhk ag and sauinwater-resistant packaging.
Our seed assortment features a wide range ofvegetables,including lettuce, beets, carrots, onionssquash,zucchini,tomatoes, peppers, broccoli, peasbeans, and many more. Each variety has beenhandpicked by experienced gardeners for its ease ofgrowth in various conditions, making this kit suitable forpoth beqinners and seasoned qardeners.
The seeds come professionally packed in individualpaper seed envelopes, providing better protectionagainst mold and moisture than plastic bags. In additioneach envelope includes complete growing and harvestinginstructions to ensure your gardening success.
Vegetable Seeds For Planting Your Home Garden

Heirloom Non-GMO Seeds
Heirloom seeds help to provide food security for you and your family. Plant your seeds and grow your fruits and vegetables. At the end of the season, you can save your seeds for next year’s garden.
Gardening Gifts
Are you looking for a unique gift for your gardening friend? Our survival seed vault is an excellent gift for any man or woman who loves planting seeds and growing a garden. Buy one today and make your friend smile with the gift of a forever garden with our heirloom seeds!