CalesCare™ Advanced Scar Removal Gel


SKU: 200007763:201336106 Category: Tags: , , ,



1. Formulated with retinol and allantoin to help promote skin health, firmness and elasticity, leaving your skin looking smooth and even.
2. No invasive surgical scar removal procedures, just apply the Scar Cream Gel to the scar twice a day until smooth skin is obtained.
3. Reduce the size of new scars in weeks and old scars in 3-6 months.
4. Our gels are manufactured under the highest hygiene standards and quality control, the product is cruelty-free, and gluten-free
5. Efficient and affordable, it is the most economical choice for scar removal.


Bioskin™ Advanced Scar Removal Gel - Wowelo - Your Smart Online Shop


❤️ScarRemoveTM Advanced Scar Spray For All Types of Scars - For example  Acne Scars, Surgical Scars and Stretch Marks ⚡️⚡️⚡️
Name: Scar Cream Gel
Net content: 50ml
Formula: Retinol, Allantoin, Vitamin E, etc
: Minor cuts, scrapes, burns, surgical scars, caesarean section scars, etc.

Product List:
Scar Cream Gel 50ml*1


Additional information

Weight 0.0 lbs

1 pc, 10 pcs, 2 pcs, 4 pcs

CalesCare™ Advanced Scar Removal Gel

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