GFOUK™ Bedbugs Electromagnetic Insect Repellent Heater


SKU: HW-14365312-1pc-green Category:


Bedbugs: An Unseen Threat to Health and the Environment – Initiating Measures for a Secure Future

In the United States, over the past 2-3 years, especially in summer, there’s been a continuous increase in bedbug infestations in buildings. According to data from the National Institute for the Study and Control of Bedbugs (INELP), the infestation level is more severe than in previous years. Research reports show incidents in various locations, including hotels and vacation rentals. The issue has spread to public places nationwide, including San Francisco International Airport, the U.S. subway system, high-speed trains, and movie theaters, especially in the New York area.

The data report on human infections and casualties caused by bed bugs in the United States shows that in the past five years, approximately 20 large bed bug invasions have occurred every year across the country, with the South and Southeast regions being the most severely affected. Every year, hundreds of thousands of people suffer allergic reactions, skin infections, and sleep disorders due to bed bug infestations. Even bed bugs have caused panic in many European and American countries.

Let’s first take a look at the big changes on the ground in our pilot homes.

The problem of bed bug invasion is becoming more and more serious, please take preventive measures in advance – the latest solution in 2024 – GFOUK™ Bedbugs Electromagnetic Insect Repellent Heater

Hazards of bedbugs: various diseases

The allergic reactions and infection responses caused by bedbugs create an atmosphere of insecurity in household living. Issues faced in household life include the risk of unknown disease infections, skin allergies, deterioration of sleep quality, psychological health problems, and even the potential for significant harm or fatalities to individuals.

Great solution—GFOUK™ Bedbugs Electromagnetic Insect Repellent Heater

Prevent your home from being invaded by bedbugs with the GFOUK™ Bedbugs Electromagnetic Insect Repellent Heater, which utilizes ultrasonic and electromagnetic wave technology. It prevents your home from being invaded by bedbugs and puts an end to the worry of bedbug bites in your daily life.

ULTRASONIC TECHNOLOGY: The GFOUK™ Bedbugs Electromagnetic Insect Repellent Heater is designed to emit ultrasonic waves in the bedbug-sensitive frequency range of 20,000 hertz or more to affect the target pests by interfering with their normal communications (e.g., communication, foraging), disrupting the pests’ navigation systems, making it difficult for them to accurately locate their targets, thus reducing the frequency of invasions. It is also safe and harmless, avoiding the use of toxic chemicals and ensuring no harm to people, animals or the environment.

ELECTROMAGNETIC TECHNOLOGY: GFOUK™ Bedbugs Electromagnetic Insect Repellent Heater is based on sending electromagnetic waves to the target area, which interferes with the bedbugs’ nervous system and sensory system, affecting their sensory and locomotor abilities, including vision, smell, etc., so that their perception of the environment will be interfered with, and they will leave the target area.

What are the outstanding advantages of GFOUK™ Bedbugs Electromagnetic Insect Repellent Heater?

  • Quiet and Harmless

 GFOUK™ Bedbugs Electromagnetic Insect Repellent Heater uses special acoustic shielding technology to shield pests and the sounds that kill them to achieve a silent insect repellent effect. This method uses technical means to block the propagation of sound waves to keep the environment quiet. Through micro-release or chemical substance packaging technology, the environment is ensured to be safe and silent.

  • Efficient and wide coverage 

This device boasts an expansive coverage area of up to 1200 square feet, efficiently managing large spaces. With the capability to handle substantial areas, it minimizes the need for multiple devices, potentially reducing overall costs.

  • Can be used anywhere

The device ensures that pests are not only targeted in isolated areas but throughout your entire home, including bedrooms, living spaces, kitchens, and storage areas. This broad coverage ensures that no corner is left unprotected.

GFOUK™ Bedbugs Electromagnetic Insect Repellent Heater

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